Monday, February 11, 2013

Who Am I?


Who am I?

Finding Lenora

          A lot of times I think about how I wanted to be different when I was growing up. I was very shy and closed in, I guess I should say passive, but I hate that word. Anyway it caused me not to express my feelings or my thoughts to people very much at all, It seems that I never said what I felt about anything, and when you don’t express yourself about anything you began to be looked at as stupid, that was another thing I ignored for a long time until a few years ago. I began to notice that people didn’t trust me to do certain things or they didn’t trust my answer to a question even though it was the correct answer. As time went on and I began to notice this more and more each day, my thoughts were, “surely they can’t think of me as being that ignorant,” but they did or do. Part of the problem is that when you are shy you’re usually very passage and if you are not taught anything different than that, then that’s the way you’re going to grow up. You may not notice, but you’re never sure of yourself and that is why no one else is sure of you. Along with all that, the shyness and the passiveness also comes low self esteem.


  • When you’re young and too afraid to talk to anyone, choose a person in your class, Sunday school class, or church that you can use as a role model, and look at their positive behavior and mimic it.
  • Ask your parents to get you involved into a youth group with strong leadership.
  • Talk to your sibling that you are closest to if possible and share your feelings with them. They may be able to give you some helpful advice as to how they may overcome discomfort when they’re with their friends.


Bible Verse:

Jeremiah 1:5

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.”



          When I was in the fourth grade I didn’t have many friends. The other girls in my classroom thought I felt that I was better than they were, I guess because I didn’t talk to them. I overheard them talking about me one day outside. I was standing against a wall that they were sitting behind and one girl asked the other girls what they thought about me and they all said that I thought I was cute and I thought I was better than them because I had long hair, but little did they know. I guess they didn’t know any better because if they did they would have approach me and try to make friends with me instead of criticizing me. Knowing myself I would have gladly accepted that. Another reason I didn’t talk to anyone is because I was new at that school. My mother transferred me from the school where my sister, my niece and my cousins went to this other school because the bus came closer to the house. That was around the time the doctor discovered I had Rheumatic Fever, so I was told I couldn’t indulge into too much physical activities and that the bus stop was too far away for me to walk to, to get to the other school. On top of everything else I was missing my old school, my friends and my family.


  • When in a new environment find ways to show your friendly, approachable side.
  • If you are being judge in the wrong way, talk to your parents, the Principal at your school or a teacher about it, to help you get the situation resolved.
  • If you are feeling discomfort because of an illness, personal situation etc, just remember that no one should know, it should be kept confidential by your school officials and also we are still all the same in the eyesight of God, the situation at hand should not change how people feel about you.


Bible Verse:

Proverbs 17:9

He who covers a transgression seeks love, but he who repeats a matter separates friends.


Gaining Confidence

           When I was dating my high school sweetheart he would ask me why I never talked and of course I didn’t have an answer for him except that I was shy, but I don’t think he related to that very well he just wanted me to talk more. He told me I express myself very well in my letters that I wrote to him, after he had gone off to college, so he didn’t understand why I couldn’t verbally say those things out loud. Finally at some point of our relationship I started to talk more, I guess he made me feel comfortable and good about myself, or he complained about it so much that I just wanted to do something about it, and also I was getting very tired and kind of angry at myself for being so shy, that I did want to do something about it. Eventually it got to the point to where one day he told me I was talking too much. I guess I gained a little confidence, but I do remember still having trouble with letting go. I held in my excitement, if I was excited about something. I didn’t really engage in conversation with my girl friends when we hung out. We did converse somewhat over the phone, but I was more of the listener. I guess being shy can cause a lot of problems in a person’s life, because of it, I almost felt destroyed.

          Things have changed some since I was a little girl, but I still feel rejected a lot of times, and not heard, and sometimes people tend to talk to me as if I was a little girl, or they just talk over me as if I’m not there. I know, I may have brought a lot of things upon myself, but having a low self esteem and being shy and passive is hard to overcome without a mentor or a positive role model by your side to teach you how to build your character and feel good about yourself.


  • Go into a room alone and look into a mirror and pretend you’re having a conversation with someone. Practice makes perfect!
  • Stop focusing on older versions of your self esteem that no longer exists, and adjust your own beliefs about yourself and your strengths as you grow.  Speak positive words over yourself every day.
  • When hanging out with your friends, try to have a conversation with at least one of them to help build your courage and confidence, and never think that their views are better than yours.


Bible Verse

2 Timothy 1:7

“For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.”


Finding Faith

          I grew up in church and was baptized when I was thirteen. I didn’t understand what I was doing; I did it because my mother said I had to and that it was time. Even though I understood what giving your life to Christ meant as I got older, I still didn’t relate to what being a true Christian meant until I was in my late thirties or early forties, when I gained more knowledge of God. At that time I felt that I was ready to give my life to Christ, I felt that being close to God would help me overcome the hardships in my life. Even then I went through times of not feeling good about myself and not knowing how to attack and overcome my problems, and I still struggle with the understanding of my relationship with God and my faith in Him.

          I know that becoming a Christian is not going to erase all your problems, but being closer to God will make things a lot easier only if you know how to allow certain changes to be made in your life and keep the faith, even if it’s only the size of a mustard seed, that’s all the faith God said we need. Now how hard is that? It’s as hard as we make it. I think I may have been confused about how things work with God, I felt that if I’ve had the will and he would show me the way but there is still something missing from this puzzle, and when things doesn’t quite go right I lose my patience and trust in God. One thing that caused me to become misconstrued is when I listen to a preacher talk about sowing seeds. Sometimes they make you think you won’t get any blessings if you don’t put money on the altar or in a basket as a seed offering. The new testament of the bible says we live under grace and mercy, but I’ve yet to understand what that really means. All I know is that I want so much to feel comfortable about whom I am, about my faith, and about feeling confident around other people at all time and not feel self conscious at any time.

  • Whatever your religion may be, meditate on the spiritual aspect of it, which is the more personal and private side of religion, in order to find inner peace.
  • Don’t get caught up into religion, but know what God expect from you and practice what the word of God says. The word of God should be consistent in all religion.
  • Be conscious of all that is, with Peace, Happiness, and Universal love, continually growing in your heart.
Bible Verse:

Psalm 27:3

“Though an army encamp against me, my heart shall not fear; though war arise against me, yet I will be confident.”


Coming into Reality

          When I started working at a Christian school in 2005 I was a little timid about going back into the class room because I hadn’t worked as an assistant teacher since 1998 and for some reason, after a few days of employment I felt a little intimidated by the principle that hired me and by some of the staff members. I realized that the principle at that time and a few staff members put forth effort in trying to be intimidating. The other reason I was timid was because I was in a Christian school, and I guess I thought everyone there was perfect. I also thought they would be kind, generous, and helpful in every Godly way, but boy was I wrong. Some of them didn’t even act like what I call an “Earthen Angel”. I do remember thinking that working in a Christian school would be like being in paradise. How quickly did the warning alarm go off I can’t even tell you, which proved to be a reason not to be intimidated, but at that time I was a bit naïve about what a Christian school was all about. I learned quickly that it was just like anywhere else I’ve worked or worse.

          I do feel that I’m growing into my own at this time in my life. I feel awkward saying that because I am a middle age women, but the reality of it all is that you don’t gain confidence by growing old, it takes much more than that, that’s why I’m able to write this story. From the experiences that I had on my job and in other areas of my life I’ve gained maturity and confidence in telling people what’s on my mind and confronting them at the time something has happen instead of keeping it inside of me where it just stresses the heck out of me. A person need to get things out and off their chest in order to gain and keep respect, but you also need to know when it’s necessary to speak your mind, and you need to make sure you understand what the reality of the situation is, when you’re feeling distress about something. You never want people to always patronized you or treat you like you’re ignorant all the time.

          A person with low self esteem, a person who is passive of shy or even a person with anger problems, whatever your situation may be, you need to find that positive person, spirit, or influence that will help you learn who you are and who you want to be. Someone or something, that will help you find courage, strength, confidence and your inner beauty, because if you feel beautiful on the inside you will certainly feel beautiful on the outside, because we are wonderfully and beautifully made by God.



  • Pessimism can be a self fulfilling prophesy; treat yourself with kindness and encouragement.
  • Don’t overreact to a situation by undervaluing yourself, mistakes are not permanent reflections on you as a person, they’re just temporary moments in time.
  • Don’t dwell only on the negatives of a problem; it can distort your view of a person or the situation.


Bible Verse:
Proverbs 3:6 
"In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”









Friday, February 8, 2013

Earthen Angel Messenger/ what’s in a name

     I came up with the name Earth Angel a few years ago, as a name for a cosmetics business, but then I thought it would be a great name for several other entities including a ministry. At that time I felt that I understood my purpose in life more clearly and I wanted to speak to young women about self esteem and loving themselves. I didn’t quite know what to do to get started and I didn’t put forth any effort in finding out because I still didn’t have the confidence I needed. I always have good ideas in my head, but it seems that’s as far as they get. At this time in my life I’m trying to change all that, so that’s one reason why I decided to start this blog. The name now is Earthen Angel Messenger. I will share stories about some of my childhood and adulthood experiences and what I’ve learned from them with young, middle age, and older women alike in hope that I may help build the self esteem and character of timid and fearful girls and women to help bring out their beauty and bravery that they hold deep within themselves and know that we all may not be worthy of God, but we have his grace and mercy and unconditional love upon us, and We must know that we are worthy of the next human being that we should be walking beside and not behind.
 Definition of Earthen Angel:
 Webster’s New World College Dictionary: 
 Earthen – 1) made of earth

 Angel – 2)a guiding spirit or influence. 
 4)a person regarded as beautiful, good
 or innocent as an angel.
 My definition: 
Earthen Angel – 1) a positive guiding person, spirit, or influence of the earth that shines light on others.